2012 : A Look Back …

Its funny how an entire year can go by and so much can happen … and then its time to write about it and and its tough. Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean getting better in the writing department. Thank goodness for the visuals.

As artists, we set out every year with the goal of defining ourselves with a ‘style.’ Somehow we desire to omit what didnt work as well for us the year before, and set out to include techniques that we’ve encountered that did work out. Its not that difficult to make an image that overall looks good, feels good, and represents the person / place we are choosing as our subject. But that largest persisting challenge for us is to make an image that also represents ‘us’ in the work. Is every image that we create unique because there is a different personality and setting in front of the lens?

I always said yes to this.

But every year, at the end of the year we start to peer into the folders that have been safely archived in search of something special that hasn’t been shown yet (or special enough to get another round). And what manifests is a collection of images that, by themselves, display a uniqueness of style … but together convey to us what is inherent about how we see. And although we’re approaching the end of another year and the beginning of a fresh start, we remind ourselves that – like you too – we have a secure perspective on the world around us.

We are setting out into 2013 with some big changes in store, but must not forget our history and the moments that have brought us here. Thank you to everyone who gave us the chance to spend time with you to help tell your story. By opening your doors, you give us the window to convey our vision. We couldn’t do this without you.

Here is a ‘brief’ collection of what we (and our nikons) witnessed this year  …

All images are created by either – Contax 645 w/ 80mm 2.0, 55mm 4.5  or Nikon D700 with 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 28mm 1.8, 135mm 2.0, 16-35 4, 35mm 1.4