Morning Inspiration….

May 11, 2010

Nothing like waking up to the smell of espresso brewing in the Bialetti. Paul makes me coffee every morning and for this I am truly grateful. It is one of those things that makes me fall in love with him all over again, everyday. We take our coffee very seriously around here. First of all it tastes delicious and secondly (let’s be honest) we are addicted and need it to stay up all night working on our projects like maniacs. Our favorite coffees are Cafe Illy, Lavazza, and our most current obsession is Stumptown which comes from Portland, Oregon. Paul’s twin brother Eric lives there and got us hooked on the stuff. It is strong, aromatic and just plain amazing!

Today while drinking and writing in my journal I noticed that the scene was a colorful one that needed to be documented. Sometimes it is the simple things in life that are the most beautiful. I love being inspired by my surroundings, even if it is just reading a book, planting a flower or having a simple cup of coffee.

Mmmm. Perhaps just one more cup.
